Monthly Archives: March 2022

Isabella (Ladybelle) and the manifest universe.


I tend to think it doesn’t matter whether the universe is real or an illusion,as people have been saying quite a lot lately after seeing the new pictures of the universe from the big new telescope sent out into space, I don’t remember the name of it. What beautiful photos. I just don’t think it makes any difference . The universe seems to be here and we are experiencing it. The main thing is to try to make your experience of the solution of reality better if you can. Thinking of the many who are suffering around the world without help except for that, provided by Oxfam and Doctors without Borders, wonderful organizations. I also support many others with a few dollars when I can. I think of those people and I want them to be well and happy. But for them the manifest universe is not much fun. There’s a lot of talk about manifesting your life. Making it be what you want. Certainly Irving (my father, Writer, and one of the creators of Quarry Hill) thought it could be done; he was able to make his life big for the most part, what he wanted it to be. For instance, we had a, a place in Florida & a place in Vermont add, traveled back-and-forth according to the weather. And to keep the kids from having to go to school. I was one of the kids.

I don’t know if this was taken by the new telescope, but it certainly is beautiful. Like a painting by William Blake.

What do you think about this? Is it important whether the universe is real or some kind of dream? And a dream of whom?